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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Busy Week, Dreaming Big

There's a lot of things going on at my workplace this week. We are getting the final touches together for the 89th Annual Rose Show & Festival taking place this weekend. Being that this is my first big event I'm working with my new job, I feel a little bit of added pressure as I try to make sure I ace it. But with the weather warming up and the bright springy garb reappearing in the forefront of my closet, I oft find myself fancying in all things bright, cheery, & afar. Let's call it "Lulu's Dream Land," aka - vacations, future real estate, cute play toys, and shopping. Here's a look into my recent heart's desires...

Absolute Dream Vacation... Bora Bora

Dream Real Estate... Seaside, FL - my honeymoon grounds

Fabulous Play Toys... Pink Smart Car & Lilly Pulitzer Bike

Latest Eye Candy... Nicholas Landon's "Designed to Shine" necklace

Embarrassing, but I'm sharing anyway...

Click HERE to watch me on WCTV May 24th, 2010. "Two Weeks and No Leads In Thomasville Murder"

My Celebrity Look Alike

Friend Snow Fight 2009

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Happily Ever After

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